Unpacking Key Roles in the Ecosystem

Posted on October 30, 2012 by


In the the day to day crunch of teaching, parenting and the every day, it’s far too easy to lose track of the key roles we play in advancing the health and well-being of our communities.

To me, in a very real way, the ecosystem is the community.

We live in a complex web of relationships that tie us together, perpetually painting new horizons for what is possible.

A few weeks ago, I debuted some new thinking in the Key Roles of Collaboration (Ch.14), a deep dive into the dynamics that all of us navigate when we seek to teach, to learn, to connect, or in some subtle ways, to improve the stake of ourselves and those around us.

What are the key takeaways here?  I think there are 5 key points worth exploring in the context of the K12 Ecosys.  Let’s take them on:

  • Q1. How can ‘connectors’ use cross-over interests to drive change?
  • Q2. How do ‘catalysts’ bring new energy to old problems?
  • Q3. Can ‘analysts’ summarize data effectively to change the vibe real time, or does data belong offline?
  • Q4. How do ‘moderators’ balance affinity & diversity?
  • Q5. Why is ‘aggregation’ the most heavily missed role in social collaboration?

More on this topic?  It’s a key one.  You’ll find about this in Chapter 14 of  The DNA of Collaboration on Amazon.

Meantime, I’d love to hear back on your thoughts.

– Chris Jones, aka @sourcepov, founder of the K12 Ecosys and author of The DNA of Collaboration